DRDO Release Instruments for combact COVID-19 Critical Equipment and Technologies
Developed by DRDO for Combating Corona Virus

DRDO has been tracking the alarming spread of COVID-19, since the world media started reporting its devastating impact in China’s Wuhan Province and gearing up with technologies to support national mission to
combat Covid.

  1. Hand & Surface Sanitizer

To address the need for WHO compliant and certified hand sanitization solution for personal and surface decontamination, DRDE, Gwalior and CFEES, Delhi have prepared hand sanitizer compliant to WHO guidelines for local production.


Face Masks

DRDE, Gwalior has developed five layered N-99 masks using a nano web filter layer which is being produced by two of the industry partners. Manufacturing of masks is in progress with an aim to produce 1 lakh masks over next 5/6 days. Production will be ramped up to 2 lakh N-99 masks per week through the Industry Partners.


Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs)

DRDE, Gwalior has developed Bio Suits, which has been produced by three industry partners namely M/s Shiva Texyarn, Coimbatore, M/s Arvind Mills, Ahmedabad and M/s Aeronav, Noida and is being supplied to MOH&FW, GOI.


Sample Testing for COVID 19

. DRDE, Gwalior is functioning as a center for detection of COVID 19 positive cases from samples provided by Madhya Pradesh Health Service. DRDE has potential to perform confirmatory test akin to NIV, Pune on authorization by GOI.

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DRDO Release Instruments for COVID-19
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