This is Physics Model Questions part-2, Before watch this Questions, Must watch Part 1

Q.1) A kilowatt-hour is unit of –
(1) Energy
(2) Power
(3) Electric charge
(4) Electric current
Correct Answer – (1) Energy

Q.2) Which of the following is used to split white light into different colours?
(1) Glass slab
(2) Convex lens
(3) Concave lens
(4) Prism
Correct Answer – (4) Prism

Q.3) Nuclear reactors used to produce electricity are based on –
(1) Nuclear fission
(2) Nuclear fusion
(3) Cold fusion
(4) Superconductivity
Correct Answer – (1) Nuclear fission

Q.4) Energy that is produced commercially from coal is called –
(1) Light energy
(2) Kinetic energy
(3) Thermal energy
(4) Potential energy
Correct Answer – (3) Thermal energy

Q.5) Which among the following is not a characteristic of transition metals?
(1) Tendency to gain electrons
(2) Low electro negativity
(3) Low ionization energy
(4) Malleability
Correct Answer – (1) Tendency to gain electrons

Q.6) Which one of the following is not a function of the liver?
(1) Regulation of blood sugar
(2) Enzyme activation
(3) Detoxiation

(4) Reproduction
Correct Answer – (4) Reproduction

Q.7) The source of the Sun’s energy is the process of –
(1) Photoelectric emission
(2) Nuclear fission
(3) Nuclear fusion
(4) Thermionic emission
Correct Answer – (3) Nuclear fusion

Q.8) A boy sitting in a train moving with a uniform velocity drops a coin outside. A man standing outside the train will find the trajectory of the coin to be –
(1) a parabola
(2) a horizontal straight line
(3) a vertical straight line
(4) a circle
Correct Answer – (1) a parabola

Q.9) Which of the following is a nonrenewable source of energy?
(1) Biogas
(2) Solar
(3) Wind
(4) Coal
Correct Answer – (4) Coal

Q.10) Solar energy is converted into chemical energy during –
(1) Transpiration
(2) Photosynthesis
(3) Diffusion
(4) Osmosis
Correct Answer – (2) Photosynthesis

Q.11) Decibel is the unit used for –
(1) Speed of light
(2) Intensity of heat
(3) Intensity of sound
(4) Radio wave frequency
Correct Answer – (3) Intensity of sound

Q.12) The term ‘Isoneph’ indicates the lines of equal –
(1) cloudiness
(2) salinity
(3) rainfall
(4) pressure
Correct Answer – (1) cloudiness

Q.13) Fibre optics work on the principle of –
(1) Scattering of light
(2) Total internal absorption
(3) Total internal reflection
(4) Optical rotation
Correct Answer – (3) Total internal reflection

Q.14) A decibel is –
(1) A musical instrument
(2) The wavelength of noise
(3) A musical note
(4) A measure of sound level
Correct Answer – (4) A measure of sound level

Q.15) The type of mirrors used in the headlamp of cars is –
(1) Parabolic concave
(2) Plane
(3) Spherical convex
(4) Cylindrical concave
Correct Answer – (1) Parabolic concave

Q.16) If lift is going up with acceleration, the apparent weight of a body is –
(1) may be more or less than true weight
(2) equal to the true weight
(3) less than the true weight
(4) more than the true weight
Correct Answer – (4) more than the true weight

Q.17) The rate of transfer of charges through a circuit is called?
(1) Potential Difference
(2) Resistance
(3) Current
(4) Energy
Correct Answer – (3) Current

Q.18) The filament of electric bulb is made up of :
(1) Copper
(2) Nichrome
(3) Lead
(4) Tungsten
Correct Answer – (4) Tungsten

Q.19) When a vibrating tuning fork is placed on a table, a loud sound is heard. This is due to –
(1) reflection
(2) refraction
(3) forced vibrations
(4) damped vibrations
Correct Answer – (3) forced vibrations

Q.20) Mud houses are cooler in summers and warmer in winters as compared to brick houses because
(1) mud is a good conductor
(2) mud is a bad conductor
(3) mud is a poor insulator
(4) evaporation of water causes cooling in summers and sunlight coming through holes causes warming in winters
Correct Answer – (2) mud is a bad conductor

Q.21) Electricians use rubber gloves while working because –
(1) rubber is an insulator
(2) rubber is a good conductor
(3) wearing rubber gloves is mandatory
(4) rubber makes work easy
Correct Answer – (1) rubber is an insulator

Q.22) When a person sitting on a swing stands up on the swing, the frequency of oscillation –
(1) decreases
(2) increases
(3) becomes infinite
(4) does not change
Correct Answer – (2) increases

Q.23) Night photography and photography in mist and fog are possible using –
(1) ultra-violet radiation
(2) infra-red radiation
(3) microwave radiation
(4) gamma radiation
Correct Answer – (2) infra-red radiation

Q.24) An Athletes runs before long jump to get advantage on –
(1) Inertia of motion
(2) Frictional force
(3) Moment of a force
(4) Principle of moments
Correct Answer – (1) Inertia of motion

Q.25) In sunlight, a rose appears red. In green light, the same rose appears –
(1) red
(2) black
(3) green
(4) yellow
Correct Answer – (2) black

Q.26) The sparkling of a diamond is due to –
(1) total internal reflection of light
(2) interference of light
(3) polarisation of light
(4) refraction of light
Correct Answer – (1) total internal reflection of light

Q.27) Ocean currents are an example of –
(1) convection
(2) conduction
(3) insulation
(4) radiation
Correct Answer – (1) convection

Q.28) Which of the following is a good conductor of heat but a bad conductor of electricity?
(1) Celluloid
(2) Rubber
(3) Asbestos
(4) Mica
Correct Answer – (4) Mica

Q.29) A piece of wood is held under water. The up thrust on it will be:
(1) equal to the weight of the Wood
(2) less than weight of the wood
(3) more than weight of the wood
(4) Zero
Correct Answer – (2) less than weight of the wood

Q.30) In MRI machine, which one of the following is used?
(1) Sound wave
(2) X-ray
(3) Ultra-sound wave
(4) Magnetic wave
Correct Answer – (4) Magnetic wave

Q.31) For a person having hypermetropia, the near point is –
(1) greater than 25 cm
(2) greater than 50 cm
(3) less than 25 cm
(4) infinity
Correct Answer – (1) greater than 25 cm

Q.32) Amount of water vapor in the atmosphere is measured in terms of –
(1) Humidity
(2) Droplets
(3) Smog
(4) All of the above
Correct Answer – (1) Humidity

Q.33) Name the process of production of energy in the Sun –
(1) Nuclear fission
(2) Radioactivity
(3) Nuclear fusion
(4) Ionization
Correct Answer – (3) Nuclear fusion

Q.34) The ozone hole that has been detected lies in the atmosphere above –
(1) Arctic Ocean
(2) Antarctica
(3) India
(4) Alaska
Correct Answer – (2) Antarctica

Q.35) The device used to change the speed of an electric fan is –
(1) Amplifier
(2) Regulator
(3) Switch
(4) Rectifier
Correct Answer – (2) Regulator

Q.36) Which one of the following wavelengths of light is most effective in photosynthesis?
(1) Blue
(2) Green
(3) Orange
(4) Yellow
Correct Answer – (1) Blue

Q.37) Why is it difficult to breathe at higher altitudes?
(1) Due to low air pressure
(2) Due to low temperature
(3) Due to ozone
(4) Due to high humidity
Correct Answer – (1) Due to low air pressure

Q.38) The reason for a swimming pool to appear less deep than the actual depth is –
(1) Refraction
(2) Light scattering
(3) Reflection
(4) Interference
Correct Answer – (1) Refraction

Q.39) Alternating current is converted into direct current by a –
(1) Transformer
(2) Dynamo
(3) Oscillator
(4) Rectifier
Correct Answer – (4) Rectifier

Q.40) Remote-sensing device has an inbuilt source of –
(1) X-ray
(2) g-ray
(3) Ultraviolet ray
(4) Infrared ray
Correct Answer – (4) Infrared ray

Q.41) The atmosphere is heated mainly by –
(1) Insulation
(2) Conduction
(3) Radiation
(4) Convection
Correct Answer – (3) Radiation

Q.42) The atmospheric layer reflecting radio waves is called –
(1) Ozonosphere
(2) Ionosphere
(3) Stratosphere
(4) Mesosphere
Correct Answer – (2) Ionosphere

Q.43) ‘Cryogenics’ is a science dealing with –
(1) high temperatures
(2) low temperatures
(3) friction and wear
(4) growth of crystals
Correct Answer – (2) low temperatures

Q.44) Heat from the Sun reaches the Earth by
(1) Reflection
(2) Conduction
(3) Radiation
(4) Convection
Correct Answer – (3) Radiation

Q.45) The commonly used thermometric substance is _____.
(1) mineral oil
(2) Alcohol
(3) Mercury

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(4) Petrol
Correct Answer – (3) Mercury

Q.46) Gamma rays can cause –
(1) gene mutation
(2) sneezing
(3) burning
(4) fever
Correct Answer – (1) gene mutation

Q.47) The dimension of which of the following is the same as that of impulse?
(1) Volume
(2) Momentum
(3) Torque
(4) Change in the rate of momentum
Correct Answer – (2) Momentum

Q.48) Which among the following is the fundamental quantity?
(1) Volume
(2) Time
(3) Velocity
(4) Force
Correct Answer – (2) Time

Q.49) Global warming is expected to result in
(1) Increase in level of sea
(2) Change in crop pattern
(3) Change in coast line
(4) All of the above
Correct Answer – (4) All of the above

Q.50) A transformer works on the principle of –
(1) Self induction
(2) Mutual induction
(3) Generator
(4) Inverter
Correct Answer – (2) Mutual induction


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Physics Model Questions part-2 by srinivasmech