Physics Model Questions Part-4 by srinivasmech special for all competitive Exams

Who defined the law of gravitation?
(1) Newton
(2) Archimedes
(3) Galileo
(4) Faraday
Correct Answer – (1) Newton

Q.2) Which of the following parts of the sunlight makes the solar cooker hot?
(1) Ultra violet
(2) Red light
(3) Infra red
(4) Cosmic rays
Correct Answer – (3) Infra red

Q.3) What is colour of light related to?
(1) Amplitude
(2) Frequency
(3) Quality
(4) Velocity
Correct Answer – (1) Amplitude

Q.4) What principle/law explains the working of the hydraulic brakes in automobiles?
(1) Bernoulli’s law
(2) Posieulli’s principle
(3) Pascal’s law
(4) Archimedes’ principle
Correct Answer – (3) Pascal’s law

Q.5) Which of the following are used for accurately measuring very small time intervals?
(1) Pulsars
(2) Quartz clocks
(3) Atomic clocks
(4) White dwarfs
Correct Answer – (3) Atomic clocks

Q.6) The material which can be deformed permanently by heat and pressure is called a:
(1) Thermoplastic
(2) Thermoset
(3) Chemical compound
(4) Polymer
Correct Answer – (2) Thermoset

Q.7) The mass of a star is two times the mass of the Sun. How it will come to an end?
(1) Neutron Star
(2) Black hole
(3) White Dwarf
(4) Red Giant
Correct Answer – (1) Neutron Star

Q.8) If the diameter of a capillary is doubled, then the rise of water in it will be –
(1) two times
(2) half
(3) four times
(4) no change
Correct Answer – (2) half

Q.9) The substance which conducts current in the solid state is –
(1) diamond
(2) graphite
(3) iodine
(4) sodium chloride
Correct Answer – (2) graphite

Q.10) Newton is used to measure ______.
(1) Speed
(2) Volume
(3) Force
(4) Area
Correct Answer – (3) Force

Q.11) The mass density of Kerosene is:
(1) more than water
(2) equal to water
(3) Less than water
(4) None of the above
Correct Answer – (3) Less than water

Q.12) Water is a good solvent of ionic salts because –
(1) It has no colour
(2) It has a boiling point
(3) It has a high dipole moment
(4) It has a high specific heat
Correct Answer – (3) It has a high dipole moment
Q.13) For which type of motion, the distance time graph is not a straight line and can be any kind of curve?
(1) Uniform motion
(2) Circular motion
(3) Non-uniform motion
(4) Linear motion
Correct Answer – (3) Non-uniform motion

Q.14) A device used for converting A.C. into D.C. is called –
(1) Transformer
(2) Rectifier
(3) Induction coil
(4) Dynamo
Correct Answer – (2) Rectifier

Q.15) Energy of Ultraviolet rays is great than
(1) Infra-red rays
(2) Gamma rays
(3) X-rays
(4) Cosmic rays
Correct Answer – (1) Infra-red rays

Q.16) The surface temperature of the Sun is nearly –
(1) 2000K
(2) 4000K
(3) 6000K
(4) 8000K
Correct Answer – (3) 6000K
Q.17) Light year is a unit of –
(1) time
(2) distance
(3) light
(4) intensity of light
Correct Answer – (2) distance

Q.18) The strongest force in nature is –
(1) Electrical force
(2) Gravitational force
(3) Nuclear force

(4) Magnetic force
Correct Answer – (3) Nuclear force

Q.19) According to the theory of relativity, which of the following al-ways remains constant?
(1) Length of an object
(2) Time
(3) Space
(4) Velocity of light
Correct Answer – (4) Velocity of light

Q.20) Fog is an example of –
(1) Gas dispersed in has
(2) Liquid dispersed in gas
(3) Solid dispersed in gas
(4) Solid dispersed in liquid
Correct Answer – (2) Liquid dispersed in gas

Q.21) ‘SONAR’ is mostly used by –
(1) Doctors
(2) Engineers
(3) Astronauts
(4) Navigators
Correct Answer – (4) Navigators

Q.22) Electrostatic precipitator is used to control —
(1) Air pollution
(2) Water pollution
(3) Solid waste
(4) Noise pollution
Correct Answer – (1) Air pollution

Q.23) The time period of a second’s pendulum is –
(1) 1 second
(2) 2 seconds
(3) 0.5 second
(4) 1.5 seconds
Correct Answer – (2) 2 seconds

Q.24) Persistance of vision is the principle behind –
(1) Camera
(2) Spectroscope
(3) Cinema
(4) Periscope
Correct Answer – (3) Cinema

Q.25) Metals are good conductors of electricity because –
(1) they contain free electrons
(2) the atoms are lightly packed
(3) they have high melting point
(4) All of the above
Correct Answer – (1) they contain free electrons

Q.26) Formation of shadows can be explained by –
(1) rectilinear propagation of light
(2) reflection
(3) refraction
(4) total internal reflection
Correct Answer – (1) rectilinear propagation of light

Q.27) The absolute zero is a temperature at which –
(1) Molecular motion in a gas would cease
(2) Water freezes
(3) All gases become liquid
(4) All gases become solid
Correct Answer – (1) Molecular motion in a gas would cease

Q.28) An aircraft can perform aerobatic maneuvers in a vertical loop because of-
(1) gravity
(2) centripetal force
(3) weight
(4) centrifugal force
Correct Answer – (1) gravity

Q.29) A photostat machine works on –
(1) electromagnetic image making
(2) electrostatic image making
(3) magnetic image making
(4) thermal image making
Correct Answer – (2) electrostatic image making

Q.30) If a copper wire is increased to double its length, its resistance will become –
(1) four times
(2) one-fourth
(3) double
(4) half
Correct Answer – (3) double

Q.31) In a diesel engine the high temperature needed to ignite the fuel is achieved by –
(1) using heat from exhaust
(2) the battery
(3) compressing air in the cylinders
(4) an electrical spark
Correct Answer – (3) compressing air in the cylinders

Q.32) Which of the following physical quantities changes or tends to change the state of rest or of uniform motion of a body in a straight line?
(1) Momentum
(2) Mass
(3) Force
(4) Inertia
Correct Answer – (3) Force

Q.33) Which of the following in the correct device that converts thermal energy into electrical energy?
(1) constant volume gas thermometer
(2) liquid-in-glass thermometer
(3) thermopile
(4) none of these
Correct Answer – (3) thermopile

Q.34) To measure the speed of an approaching car a police officer shines –
(1) light waves on it
(2) microwaves on it
(3) radio waves on it
(4) ultra high frequency waves on it
Correct Answer – (3) radio waves on it

Q.35) A person wears spectators with concave lenses. It means that normally (when not using glasses), the image of distant objects is focused in his eyes –
(1) behind the retina
(2) in front of the retina
(3) on the retina
(4) on the blind spot
Correct Answer – (2) in front of the retina

Q.36) Ohm’s law defines –
(1) a resistance
(2) current only
(3) voltage only
(4) both current and voltage
Correct Answer – (1) a resistance

Q.37) Lakes freeze in cold countries in winter, leaving the water underneath at –
(1) 0°C
(2) 0°F
(3) 4°C
(4) 4°F
Correct Answer – (3) 4°C

Q.38) Which one of the following determines the sharpness of image in a camera?
(1) The aperture
(2) The exposure time
(3) The focal length of the lens
(4) Size of the camera
Correct Answer – (1) The aperture

Q.39) Light from the Sun reaches us in nearly
(1) 2 minutes
(2) 4 minutes
(3) 8 minutes
(4) 16 minutes
Correct Answer – (3) 8 minutes

Q.40) Red data book contains data of which of the following?
(1) All plant species
(2) All animal species
(3) All endangered species
(4) All extinct species
Correct Answer – (3) All endangered species

Q.41) Second’s pendulum is a pendulum which executes one oscillation in:
(1) Half a second
(2) One second
(3) Two seconds
(4) None of these
Correct Answer – (3) Two seconds

Q.42) Which of the following is most elastic?
(1) Rubber
(2) Wet clay
(3) Steel
(4) Plastic
Correct Answer – (3) Steel

Q.43) Sound cannot pass through –
(1) Water
(2) Steel
(3) Air
(4) Vacuum
Correct Answer – (4) Vacuum

Q.44) The instrument used to measure the speed of the wind is –
(1) Altimeter
(2) Anemometer
(3) Chronometer
(4) Dosimeter
Correct Answer – (2) Anemometer

Q.45) An optically plane surface reflects a beam of light –
(1) as a parallel beam in one direction
(2) as diffused beams in all d rections
(3) as parallel beams in all direactions
(4) as a diffused beam in one direction
Correct Answer – (1) as a parallel beam in one direction

Q.46) The slope of a velocity-time graph represents –
(1) acceleration
(2) displacement
(3) distance
(4) speed
Correct Answer – (1) acceleration

Q.47) The material which can be deformed permanently by heat and pressure is called a
(1) thermoset
(2) thermoplastic
(3) chemical compound

(4) polymer
Correct Answer – (1) thermoset

Q.48) On planet Earth, there is no centrifugal force at the –
(1) Equator
(2) Tropic of Cancer
(3) Tropic of Capricorn
(4) Poles
Correct Answer – (4) Poles

Q.49) Gas thermometers are more sensitive than the liquid thermometers because of the gases –
(1) have low specific heat
(2) have high specific heat
(3) have large coefficient of expansion
(4) are lighter
Correct Answer – (1) have low specific heat

Q.50) The earth-wire of a cable is connected to –
(1) the outer metallic body of the appliance
(2) the fuse of the appliance
(3) the filament of the appliance
(4) short circuitry of the appliance
Correct Answer – (2) the fuse of the appliance

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Physics Model Questions Part-4 by srinivasmech