physics -6

Physics previous bits part-6 NTPC & group D

NTPC & Group D special

Physics-భౌతిక శాస్త్రం

important Previous Questions

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251.Damp clothes are dried in spin dryers by the action of

———-యొక్క యాక్షన్ ద్వారా తడి దుస్తులను స్పిన్ డ్రైయర్స్ లో ఎండబెడతారు.
(a)centripetal forces
(b)centrifugal forces
(c)central forces
(d)non central forces

252.Tape recorder should not be kept near one of the following things:
(b) Magnet
(c)Electrical switchboard


253. When a person sitting on a swing stands up on the swing the frequency of oscillation

ఉయ్యాల మీద కూర్చున్న వ్యక్తి డోలనం యొక్క పౌనఃపున్యాన్ని ఉయ్యాలపైన నిలబడుతున్నప్పుడు
(c)becomes infinite
(d)does not change


Q254.Night photography and photography In mist and fog are possible using

———— వంటి వాటివల్ల నైట్ ఫోటోగ్రఫీ మరియు పొగమంచు ఫోటోగ్రఫీ ఉపయోగించడం సాధ్యం
(a)ultraviolet radiation
(b)infrared radiation
(c)microwave radiation
(d)gamma radiation

Q255 It is easier to carry two buckets of water in one hand each than to can only one in one hand because
(a)weights of buckets are balanced
(b)centre of gravity falls within the body
(c)centre of gravity and centre of equilibrium fall within the feet
(d)resultant weight of buckets is zero


from 256-260

Q256.The surface tension of water on adding detergent to it

డిటర్జెంట్ జోడించడం ద్వారా నీటి ఉపరితల ఉద్రిక్తత——
(c)no change
(d)becomes zero

Q257.Which of the following is optical illusion?
(a) Rainbow
(b) Earthshine
(c) Halo
(d) Mirage ఎండమావి

Q258.An athlete runs before long jump to get advantage on
(a)Inertia of motion
(b)Frictional force
(c)Moment of a force
(d)Principle of moments


Q259.In sunlight a rose appears red. In green light the same rose appears :
(a) red
(b) black
(c) green
(d) yellow

Q260. The sparkling of a diamond is due to
(a)total internal reflection of light
(b)interference of light
(c) polarisation of light
(d)refraction of light


From 261-270

Q261. If a copper wire Is increased to double its length Its resistance will become
(a) four times
(b) one fourth
(c) double
(d) hall

Q262. In a diesel engine the high temperature needed to ignite the fuel Is achieved by
(a)using heat from exhaust
(b)the battery
(c)compressing air in the cylinders
(d)an electrical spark

Q263. Waves that are required for long distance wireless communication are
(a)infrared fays
(b) Ultraviolet rays
(c)Radio waves

Q264. Rise of oil a wick is due to
(a) density of the oil
(b)viscosity of the oil
(c) surface tension of the oil
(d)pressure of the oil

Q265. The radiation initially produced in fluorescent tube is
(a) infrared
(b) ultraviolet
(c) microwaves
(d)X-rays .


from 266-270

Q266. The four stroke petrol engine Is based on
(a)Carnot cycle
(b) Otto cycle
(c)Diesel cycle
(d)Boyles cycle


Q267. It is dangerous to observe Solar eclipse with naked eyes because
(a)Infrared radiations from sun burn our retina
(b) Ultraviolet radiations from Sun bum our retina
(c)All radiations from sun initiate chemical reactions in eyes
(d)Cosmic rays reach eyes more during the eclipse .


Q268. A bomb at rest explodes into a large number of tiny fragments. The total momentum of all the fragments
(a)is zero
(b) depends on the total mass of all the fragments
(c)depends on the speeds of various fragments
(d)is infinity

Q269. An optically plane surface reflects a beam of light
(a)as a parallel beam in one direction
(b)as diffused beams in all directions
(c)as parallel beams in all directions
(d)as a diffused beam in one direction

Q270. The slope of a velocity time graph represents
(b) displacement


From 271-280

Physics previous bits part-6 NTPC & group D

Q271. The earth wire of a cable is connected to
(a)the outer metallic body of the appliance
(b)the fuse of the appliance
(c)the filament of the appliance
(d)short circuitry of the appliance

Q272. Water Is used in car radiator because of its
(a)low density
(b)easy availability
(c) high specific heat capacity
(d)low boiling point


Q273. How much mechanical work must be done to completely melt 1 gram of ice at 0°C ?
(a)2 J.
(b) 80 J
(c)336 J
(d) 2268 J


Q274. A bullet is fired from a rifle which recoils after firing. The ratio of kinetic energy of the rifle to that of the bullet is
(b) one
(c)less than one
(d)more than one

Q275. The layer of atmosphere used for radio wave transmission is


Q276. Negative feedback in amplifiers యాంప్లిఫైయర్లలో ప్రతికూల అభిప్రాయం
(a)increases bandwidth and decreases noise
(b)decreases bandwidth and decreases noise
(c)increases bandwidth and increases noise
(d)decreases bandwidth and increases noise

Q277. Water cannot be used to extinguish fire caused by electric current because
(a) it may cause electrocution విద్యుత్ఘాతం
(b)it may cause hydrolysis
(c)it may cause electrolysis
(d)it may spoil the wiring

Q278. A periscope works on the principle of
(b)total internal reflection

Q279. A copper disc has a hole. If the disc is heated the size of the hole
(c)No change
(d)first increases and than decreases


Q280. A rear view mirror for driving is
(b) concave
(c) convex
(d) inverted


From 281-290

Q281. The Important unit of a microprocessor Is
(b)array of registers
(c)control unit
(d)All of the above


Q282. Which one of the following has the highest value of specific heat?


Q283. The device used for locating submerged objects under sea is


Q284. The metal whose electrical conductivity is more is
(a) copper
(b) aluminum
(c) silver
(d) lead


Q285. What happens to a liquid when the vapour pressure equals the atmospheric pressure?

భాష్పపీడనం వాతావరణ పీడనానికి సమానం అయినప్పుడు ద్రవం ఏమవుతుంది?
(a)The liquid cools
(b)The liquid boils
(c)No change
(d)The liquid evaporates


Q286. In nuclear reactor heavy water is used as
(d)atomic smasher


Q287.Water boils at a lower temperature on the hills because
(a)it is cold on the hills
(b)there is less carbon dioxide on the hills
(c)there is a decrease in air pressure on the hills
(d)There is less oxygen


Q288. Why do birds not have respiratory trouble at the time of flying at high altitude ?

ఎక్కువ ఎత్తులో ఎగురుతున్న సమయంలో పక్షులకు శ్వాసకోస ఇబ్బంది ఎందుకు ఉండదు?
(a)Their lungs are very large
(b)They fly Inactively
(c)They have extra air sacs
(d)They use less oxygen


Q289. The temperature which has the same reading on both Fahrenheit and Celsius scales is


Q290.Kilowatt hour is the unit of



Physics previous bits part-6 NTPC & group D

From 291-300

291. The part of the eye having the larges refractive index is :

పెద్ద వక్రీభవన గుణకం కలిగి ఉన్న కంటి భాగం
(b)aqueous humor
(d)vitreous humor


292. Conversion of heat into electrical is achieved by using :


293. Ball pen functions on the principle of
(b)Boyles Law
(c)Gravitational force
(d)surface tension


294. A man cannot see clearly beyond 10 meters. The disease he suffers from :

ఒక మనిషి 10 మీటర్లను దాటి స్పష్టంగా చూడలేడు. కారణమైన వ్యాది.
(a)Far sight
(d)Hyper metropia


295.When milk is churned the cream separates from it due to:

పాలను చిలికినప్పుడు క్రీమ్ దేని వల్ల పాల నుండి వేరు అవుతుంది:
(a)Frictional force
(b)Centrifugal force
(c)Gravitational force
(d)Viscous forces


296.Moving electric charge produces :
(a)magnetic field
(b)sound waves
(c)light rays
(d)heat waves


297. The S.I. Unit of electric charge is :
(a) amphere
(b) coulomb
(c) e.s.u
(d) Kelvin


298. Light beam which is highly directional is called:


299. Permissible noise level at Residential area during night time Is:
(a)45 dB

(b) 55 dB

(c) 75 dB

(d) 80 dB


300. Energy in reflected light :
(a)does not depends on the angle of incidence
(b)increases with the increase in angle
(c)decreases with the increase in angle of incidence
(d)becomes maximum for angle of incidence equal to 45°


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Physics previous bits part-6 NTPC & group D