Physics 4

NTPC & Group D special

Physics-భౌతిక శాస్త్రం

important Previous Questions

English medium

PART-4 from 151-200 Questions    

Q151. the density of gas is maximum at
(a) Low temperature low pressure
(b)Low temperature high pressure
(c)High temperature low pressure
(d)High temperature high pressure

Q152.Why is it difficult to breathe at higher altitudes?
(a)Due to low air pressure
(b)Due to low temperature
(c) Due to ozone
(d)Due to high humidity

Q153.The strongest force in nature is
(a)electrical force
(b)gravitational force
(c)nuclear force
(d)magnetic force


Q154. According to the theory of relativity which of the following alt ways remains constant ?
(a)Length of an object
(d)Velocity of light

Q155. The spoon dropped by an astronaut in a satellite will
(a)fall to the floor
(b)remain stationary
(c) continue to follow the motion of the satellite
(d) move tangentially away

Q156. Pipelines in cold countries often burst in winter because
(a)water freezes and expands in its volume
(b)temperature of ice is less than that of water
(c)pipelines contract in their volume
(d)pipelines expand due to freezing

Q157. When a body is taken from earth to moon
(a) mass changes but weight remains same
(b)weight changes but mass remains same
(c)both weight and mass change
(d)both weight and mass remain same

Q158. A mirage occurs because of
(a)reflection by hot ground
(b) total internal reflection by layers of air
(c)interference of light
(d)diffraction of light

Q159. Atomic power plant works on the principle of
(a) fission
(c)thermal combustion
(d)combined effect of all the above three

Q160. Bolometer is used to measure
(a) Frequency
(b) Temperature
(c) Velocity
(d) Wavelength


From 161-170

Q161. ATM stands for
(a)Automatic Teller Machine
(b)Automated Teller Machine
(c)Automatic Tally Machine
(d). Automated Tally Mechanism

Q162. A person is hurt on kicking a stone due to
(a) Inertia
(b) Velocity
(c) Reaction
(d) Momentum

Q162. ఒక వ్యక్తి రాయిని తన్నడం వలన గాయపడతాడు———

(ఎ) జడత్వం

(బి) వేగం

(సి) ప్రతిచర్య

(డి) మొమెంటం



Physics Previous Questions Railway NTPC & group D 2020 part-4

Q163. The fuse in pure domestic electric circuit melts when there is a high rise in
(a) Inductance
(b) Current
(c) Resistance
(d) Capacitance

Q164. Which of the following is an example for cantilever beam?
(a) Diving board
(b) Bridge
(d)Common balance

Q165. UK It is difficult to cook rice
(a) at the top of a mountain
(b) at the sea level
(c) under a mine
(d) same anywhere

Q166. A dynamo is a device which
(a) creates mechanical energy
(b) creates electrical energy
(c)converts mechanical energy into electrical energy
(d) converts electrical energy into mechanical energy

Q167. A soap bubble shows colors when illuminated with white light. This is due to
(c) Interference

Q168. The Instrument used to see the distant objects on the Earth is
(a)Terrestrial telescope
(b)Astronomical telescope
(c)Compound microscope
(d)Simple microscope


Physics Previous Questions Railway NTPC & group D 2020 Part-4
Q169. Global warming is expected to result in
(a)increase in level of sea
(b)change in crop pattern
(c)change in coast line
(d)All of the above

Q170. Which of the following liquids has the least density ?
(a)Fresh water
(b)Salt water


From 171-180

Q171. Which of the following principle is used to produce low temperatures ?
(b)Joule Kelvin effect
(c)Thermoelectric effect
(d) Adiabatic demagnetization

Q172.A photoelectric cell converts
(a)mechanical energy to electric energy
(b)heat energy to mechanical energy
(c)light energy to chemical energy
(d)light energy to electrical energy

Q173. Two stones of different masses are dropped simultaneously from the top of a building
(a)Smaller stone reaches the ground earlier
(b)Larger stone reaches the ground earlier
(c)Both the stones reach the ground at the same time
(d) None of the Above

The device used to change the speed of an electric fan is
(a) Amplifier
(b) Regulator
(c) Switch
(d) Rectifier

Q175.Fog is an example of
(a)Gas dispersed in gas
(b)Liquid dispersed in gas
(c)Solid dispersed in gas
(d)Solid dispersed in liquid

Q176. A concave lens always forms an image which is
(a)real and erect
(b)virtual and erect
(c)real and inverted
(d)virtual and inverted

Q177. The modulus of rigidity Is the ratio of
(a)longitudinal stress to longitudinal strain
(b)Volume stress to volume strain
(c)shearing stress to shearing strain
(d)tensile stress to tensile strain

Q178. The propagation of sound waves in a gas involves
(a)adiabatic compression and rarefaction
(b)isothermal compression and rarefaction
(c)isochoric compression and rarefaction
(d)isobaric compression and rarefaction

Q179. Heat transfer horizontally within the atmosphere Is called

Q180. Noise is measured In
(a) Watt
(b) REM
(c) Centigrade
(d) Decibel


Physics Previous Questions Railway NTPC & group D 2020 from 151-200

From 181-190

Q181. The bats(గబ్బిలాలు) can fly in the dark because
(a)they can see the objects in darkness
(b)they have weak legs and are likely to be attacked by predators
(c)they generate flashes of light
(d)they generate ultrasonic sound waves

Q182. What changes will happen to a bowl of ice and water kept at exactly zero degree Celsius ?
(a)All ice will melt
(b)All water will become ice
(c)No change will happen
(d)Only some ice will melt


Q183. Cupric point is the temperature at which
(a)Matter becomes radioactive
(b)A metal loses magnetic properties.
(c)A metal loses conductivity
(d)Transmutation of metal

Q184. Angle of friction and angle of repose are
(a)equal to each other
(b)not equal to each other
(c)proportional to each other
(d) None of the above

Q185. If a boy sitting in a train which is moving at a constant velocity throws a ball straight up into the air the ball will
(a) fall in front of him
(b) fall behind him
(c)fall into his hand
(d)None of the above

Q186. Intensity of gravitational field of earth is maximum at
(c) Centre of earth
(d) Surface

Q187. The spokes Used in the wheel of a bicycle increase its
(a)Moment of inertia
(d) Momentum


Q188. A transformer works on the principle of
(a)Self induction
(b)Mutual induction

Q189. The sky appears blue because
(a)all colors interfere to produce blue
(b)in white light the blue component dominates
(c)the atmosphere scatters blue color more than the others
(d) it is actually blue

Q190. When a ship enters the sea from a river
(a)it rises a little
(b)it sinks a little
(c)It remains at the same level
(d)it rises or sinks depending on the material it is made of


From 191-200

Q191.Two stones of unequal masses are thrown vertically up with the same velocity. Which of the following will happen?
(a)The heavier mass will reach greater height
(b)The lighter mass will reach greater height
(c)Both will reach the same height
(d)Any of them may reach great height

Q192. The unit of electrical power is
(b) Watt
(c) Kilowatt hour
(d) Ampere

Q193. The scientist who first sent electromagnetic waves to distant places is
(a)James Clerk Maxwell
(b)Heinrich Hertz
(c)Thomas Alva Edison
(d)John Logie Baird

Q193. మొట్టమొదట విద్యుదయస్కాంత తరంగాలను సుదూర ప్రాంతాలకు పంపిన శాస్త్రవేత్త

(ఎ) జేమ్స్ క్లర్క్ మాక్స్వెల్

(బి) హెన్రిచ్ హెర్ట్జ్

(సి) థామస్ అల్వా ఎడిసన్

(డి) జాన్ లోగి బైర్డ్

Q194. The centre of gravity of a sprinter during the race lies
(a)ahead of his feet
(b)behind his feet
(c)at the centre of the body
(d)to the left side of the body

Q194. రేసులో స్ప్రింటర్ యొక్క గురుత్వాకర్షణ కేంద్రం—— ఉంది

(ఎ) తన పాదాల ముందు

(బి) అతని పాదాల వెనుక

(సి) శరీరం మధ్యలో

(డి) శరీరం యొక్క ఎడమ వైపు


Q195. Cloudy nights are warmer compared nights because clouds mainly
(a)absorb heat from the atmosphere send it towards earth
(b) prevent cold waves from the sky descending on earth
(c)reflect back the heat given by earth
(d)produce heat and radiate toward earth


Questions From 196-200

Q196. A metal plate with a circular hole at the centre is heated. What will happen to the area of the hole ?
(c)Remain constant
(d)Will increase first and then decrease

Q197. The period of revolution of a geo stationary satellite is
(a)365 days
(b)30 days
(c)24 hours
(d)changing continuously

Q198. A piece of paper and a cricket ball are dropped from the same height. Under which of the following conditions do both reach the surface simultaneously ?
(a) They must have the same volume
(b)They must have the same density
(c) They must have the same mass
(d) They must be dropped in vacuum

199. The frequency of ultrasound wave is typically
(a)Above 20 kHz
(b)Above 20000 kHz
(c)Below 20 kHz
(d)Below 02 kHz

200 Which type of reaction produces the most harmful radiation ?
(a)Fusion reaction ( సూర్యుడు)
(b)Fission reaction( న్యూక్లియర్ రియాక్టర్)
(c)Chemical reaction
(d)Photo Chemical reaction


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